At the respect and the protection of your privacy and the security of your personal information is a priority. This privacy statement explains how we collect and use the information on our website You can visit our site without unveiling your identity or personal information about you. The “Site” collects your internet protocol address (IP address), we may use analytics software and cookies to make your experience as easy as possible, and improve our services.

Collection of Information:

What information we collect:

  • Information (such as your name, email, postal address, and country of residence) that you provide by completing forms on the  Site, including if you register as a user of the Service, subscribe to our newsletter, upload or submit any material through the Site,
    or request any information.
  • Your log-in and password details in connection with the account sign-in process.
  • Details of any requests or transactions made by you through the Site.
  • Communications you send to us, for example to report a problem or to submit queries.
  • Information that you post to the Site in the form of comments or contributions to discussions; and IP addresses.

Use of Cookies:

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user computer for record keeping purposes. Cookies can be either session cookies or persistent cookies. A session cookie expires when you close your browser and is used to make it easier for you to navigate our website. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. You may delete or decline cookies by changing your browser settings.

Cookies are used to:

  • To Analyze visit behavior
  • Enhance your user experience on the “Site”
  • To recognize you when you are using the “Site”

Your Information: does not share, sell or rent your information. We use your information responsibly. Any information that is provided to a third-party vendor is to be used only for the purpose of performing the analytics and compiling reports of the information. The third-party is restricted from using this information in any other way other than to provide these services to and they may not share or resell this information.

Use of Information:

We will use the personal information you provide to:

  • To provide products and services
  • To deliver products and services
  • To send you emails and newsletters about our products and services

By using the Service, you consent to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Policy. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace this Policy by posting the updated version on the Site. It is your responsibility to check this Policy periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Service following the posting of any changes to this Policy constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

Please Contact us if you have any particular questions related to above.

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